1 min read


Websites are weird. Until now, visitors like yourself would have been met with a half-hearted webpage with a non-working contact form and a painfully inaccurate toast:

'This website is undergoing a redesign'

Up until the past few months, this wasn't actually the case.

I'd always meant to get the redesign done, but was hesitant to start, not knowing what I actually wanted to make. None of the other portfolios and websites I searched for inspiration resonated well. Most had all kinds of fancy animations and novelties. Every iteration I made felt incomplete, fragmented and forced.

I designed Halcyon to get around these issues — expect it to evolve slowly, with minimal work from me. There's no giddy introduction or resumé-nonsense, only a place to see things that are worthy to show.

Inspired by Rauno Freiburg and Paco Coursey.